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Moms Matter! Ohio Moms in Great Hands

Moms Matter! Ohio Moms in Great Hands

Moms matter! This phrase has become a highly followed hashtag on social media in recent years due to a rise in maternal mental health awareness and shows no signs of slowing down. POEM is energized by this growing conversation and continues to lead the way in finding and filling gaps in access to mental health care for pregnant and parenting people in Ohio. 

The number of moms asking for help and discussing options for care is rising in Ohio. By year’s end, the program is expecting to have received 2,000 requests for support, a 47% increase in the last two years alone. Through this dramatic increase, the POEM team has maintained strong program outcomes with over 90 percent of participants verified to have connected to peer support and/or care navigation services. 

Resilient through the pandemic, POEM has remained steady in providing specialized clinical referrals to telehealth services statewide. “Moms in areas in Ohio with limited behavioral health resources have been able to connect with specialized counseling at a much higher rate than pre-pandemic due to an increase in telehealth access,” says POEM Program Operations Manager Becca Alexander. 

Providing equitable, accessible, and culturally responsive peer support is the driving force behind POEM’s equity initiative, Rise. POEM Rise witnessed a 40 percent increase in Black mothers participating in our maternal mental health services this year. 

“I am honestly thrilled to witness the increase in mamas of color connecting with our program,” shares POEM Program Manager Hailee Childs. “In my mind, this increase means that there are fewer moms of color navigating the perinatal space all alone and without support.” 

Hailee adds that this boost in participation shows the deep trust Rise has gained in the community and also presents numerous opportunities for the team to meet those moms’ needs. To meet the increase in demand, POEM Rise tripled its volunteer base and increased support group offerings to include weekend meetings. 

The team is also currently working on a pilot project of respite support, such as temporarily covering the high cost of child care that may alleviate stressors impacting moms’ mental health. 

Having a reliable referral list of trained providers of color reduces the barriers that prevent moms of color from connecting with appropriate support services and specialized care. To help meet this need, POEM Rise awarded eight providers of color with scholarships to obtain Perinatal Mental Health specialized training through Postpartum Support International. 

POEM Rise also hosted three virtual “Pathways to Wellness” events, which provided dozens of Black mothers an interactive space to engage with Black mental health/maternal health professionals and learn about accessing better care for themselves. 

POEM is actively preparing for the future. A recent program reorganization created an operations manager role to recruit more volunteers and leverage current resources in more efficient ways. With such great needs, POEM will remain resilient in helping moms in their mental health journey. 

A recent POEM social media post encouraged moms, saying, “You are a great mama, not because you always win, but because you stay in the ring … #Resilience.” 

Ohio moms are in great hands. To support MHAOhio’s programs, including POEM and POEM Rise, please donate to

