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How to Find LBGTQ+ Friendly Mental Health Providers

Not all therapists are equally knowledgeable or affirming of LGBTQ+ issues. Luckily, there are ways to research possible therapists before making an appointment. Here’s what we recommend:
Call MHAOhio’s Get Connected. MHAOhio’s Get Connected line connects callers with experienced mental health professionals who can help with your specific needs or issues. We have a network of providers in the local community, including LBGTQ+ providers, and can talk you through who might be the best fit. You can reach Get Connected by calling (614) 242-4357 or filling out the form on our website.
Research online. If you’d prefer to do your own detective work, you can search online using search engines like Mental Health Match or Psychology Today. These are tools that offer several different filters including insurance, gender identity, sexual orientation, transgender support, and more. You can also check out The Healthcare Equality Index and LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory.
Filter by client focus and specialties. Look for a therapist whose specialties reflect you and your needs. Consider filtering by more or less areas of specialties to focus on what you want to address in treatment and to get a longer or shorter list.

Dig deeper. You can learn a lot about therapists based on what they put online. Find out what makes each therapist unique and who may resonate with you. 
Conduct a phone interview. Most therapists will do a 15-20-minute phone interview so you can see if they are a good fit. Ask them about their training, knowledge, and experience in working with the LGBTQ+ population. 

If you have any questions about locating the right provider for you, Get Connected can help you navigate this process. Contact us today, or visit our website for more information.

