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POEM Recognized at Mental Health America Conference

We are proud to announce that MHAOhio’s POEM program (Perinatal Outreach and Encouragement for Moms) was presented with the Richard Van Horn Innovation in Programming Award during Mental Health America’s Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. this month.
The award, named after mental health advocate, MHA Los Angeles CEO, and MHA National board member Richard Van Horn, recognizes the continuing innovation and creativity of an MHA affiliate in program development and implementation. 
Founded in 2005 by Tonya Fulwider, Amy Burt, and Therese Roush, POEM closes gaps in care for pregnant and early parenting people who are experiencing postpartum depression and related mood and anxiety disorders. The program is grounded in peer support, connection, and lived experience, and was brought under the MHAOhio umbrella of mental health services in 2013.
POEM serves as a single-entry point of care, providing mental and emotional support throughout the perinatal period, and connecting new moms and birthing persons to the providers they need. 
POEM Rise provides exclusive services by and for Black and African American mothers and birthing persons. The Rise team connects to those who share similar experiences and challenges, along with joy, strength, and celebration. This understanding and empathy combats systemic issues, challenges discriminatory practices, and promotes equity and justice in the healthcare space.
Congratulations to the POEM staff: Tonya Fulwider, Becca Alexander, Hailee Childs, Raquel Williams, Cass Stewart, Tolu Schneider, Bri’ana Jackson, Keisa Lee, and Tanisha James, as well as our many volunteers. We appreciate all of you and are grateful to have you on our team.

