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At some point, nearly all mothers get caught up in the trap of holding themselves to unrealistic expectations in the role of mothering. Many strive for the impossible ideal of the “perfect mother.”  These myths often play a major role in the development of PPD.  Sometimes, just the simple act of lowering our goals as a mother to a human level can go a long way toward feeling better.

REALITY:  Bonding happens over a lifetime as mother and child grow and change. There is no magic moment at childbirth or in the early infancy stages where this relationship is sealed or broken.

REALITY:  While there will be rewarding moments filled with joy and happiness, child-rearing is a demanding, serious, stressful, complex responsibility that can leave even experienced moms feeling overwhelmed and unprepared.  Motherhood is a 24-hour a day job with no scheduled time off, no training, no feedback, limited rewards, social isolation and no option to resign. Like anything else, some enjoy the job and some do not. It is perfectly okay to love and adore your baby and still dread the everyday tasks of feeding, changing diapers, etc.

REALITY: It is normal to mourn the loss of the person you were before you became a mother. Since babies are often called a “new addition” to your life, it’s easy to forget that you will have to make adjustments that include losing the freedom to spend time by yourself. You can no longer quickly and easily run an errand, catch a movie, grab coffee with a friend or even take a shower without first considering the baby’s needs.

REALITY: Mothers often think their role is to devote all their time and energy to family, even if it means neglecting their own needs. It’s vital for moms to remember and honor their own goals, thoughts and emotions.

REALITY:  Many, many moms have difficulties with breastfeeding.  Why else do you suppose there’s an entire field of lactation consultants dedicated to helping mothers figure it out?  Breastfeeding can be frustrating, painful or just not feel right.  The ability to breastfeed with ease is not a marker of one’s ability to be a good mother.

REALITY:  The perinatal time is a period of huge role, responsibility and other adjustments for both mothers and fathers.  Yes, the two of you may form a new, closer bond as parents, but not without work.  And, it certainly doesn’t happen naturally.  Typically women feel very overwhelmed and may feel that her partner is not very helpful, even if he is trying his best to help and be understanding.  Actually, the first year postpartum has the highest rate of divorce than at any other time during a marriage, likely due to the stresses of new parenthood.

REALITY: Many women find that motherhood is often too hard to handle, but downplay the negatives because they’re afraid of being labeled as bad mothers. You may feel guilty because you long for some time alone or become frustrated with your child. There is no shame in admitting that being a mother is not easy.

REALITY: Other moms are just as afraid to look like a bad parent, so they also avoid talking about difficulties. Some women judge other moms unkindly and statements like, “You let him watch that much television?” or “She’s not walking yet?” It is best to avoid regular contact with these types of women. Instead, seek out supportive moms who are more open about their own struggles.

REALITY: New moms quickly find many books by so-called “experts” are unrealistic, highlighting the joy and minimizing the difficulties of motherhood. Their idealistic portrayal can add to a new mother’s feelings of failure when they have a hard time achieving the mythical “bliss” they’ve read about.

REALITY: Often women mistakenly think that the instant they deliver, they’ll become radiant and serene mothers that gracefully handle the cooking, shopping and housekeeping. That is an impossible ideal. Moms need to ask for help from immediate family, friends, other parents and neighbors. Letting supportive people into your life is a sign of strength not weakness. Accepting help prevents you from spreading yourself too thin, which is unhealthy for your whole family.